41 Inspiring Islamic Quotes in Urdu: Words of Wisdom
As a Muslim, I’ve always found comfort and guidance in Islamic teachings. These teachings shine brightly in Urdu, a language that brings faith’s essence to our hearts. We’re going to look at inspiring Islamic quotes in Urdu. Each quote shows the deep spiritual heritage we share.
These quotes give us a peek into the values that connect us worldwide. They come from the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They remind us of the need for kindness, honesty, and strength every day. If you’re looking for comfort or inspiration, these quotes will feed your soul and bring you closer to spiritual light.
Key Takeaways
- Explore a collection of the most inspiring inspirational quotes in Urdu that offer profound guidance and wisdom.
- Discover how Islamic wisdom quotes in Urdu can provide solace and comfort in times of turbulence.
- Learn about the significance of Urdu in preserving and disseminating Islamic motivational quotes to a global audience.
- Delve into the essence of famous Islamic quotes that resonate with the shared values of the Muslim community.
- Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment through the power of Islamic quotes about life and Islamic quotes on faith.
The Power of Islamic Quotes in Urdu
Motivational Islamic Quotes in Urdu and Status Wallpaper.
Urdu is known for its rich literature and beautiful sound. It has been a key way to share Islamic teachings across different cultures. Famous poets like Allama Iqbal and Sufi mystics have used Urdu to express deep truths of Islam. Urdu Islamic quotes give us guidance for today’s complex life, offering comfort when we feel lost or unsure.
بہادر آدمی ایک مرتبہ جبکہ بزدل آدمی کئی بار مرتا ہے ۔
A brave man dies once while a coward dies many times.
دیانت دار آدمی ہر آدمی پر اعتبار کر لیتا ہے۔
An honest man trusts every man.
محبت کا ایک گھنٹہ سو برس کے بے محبت زندگی سے بہتر ہے ۔
An hour of love is better than a hundred years of loveless life.
زہد یہ ہے کہ آدمی رغبت کے کاموں سے باز رہے ۔
Asceticism is that a person refrains from acts of lust.
ایسے کاموں سے احتراز کرو جس سے انسانیت شرمندہ ہو جائے۔
Avoid doing such things that shame humanity.
گناہوں سے بچو تاکہ زندگی کے مصائب سے بچ سکو۔
Avoid sins to avoid suffering in life.
ایسے کاموں سے بچو جس کے نتیجے میں تمہیں نقصان کا اندیشہ ہو ۔
Avoid such activities that may result in harm to you.
چیونٹی کی طرح محنت لگن اور کفایت شعاری اپناؤ۔
Be diligent and thrifty like an ant.
اس سے پہلے کہ تمہیں شہوت فتنے میں ڈالے ، نکاح کر لو۔
Before lust leads you into temptation, get married.
اپنی غلطیوں سے آگاہی دانائی کی علامت ہے ۔
Being aware of your mistakes is a sign of wisdom.
وہ لوگ مبارک ہیں جو الفاظ سے نہیں بلکہ عمل سے نصیحت کرتےہیں ۔
Blessed are those who give advice not by words but by actions.
گھٹیا کاموں سے ڈرنا ہی بہادری ہے ۔
Bravery is to be afraid of petty deeds.
قدرت کی نیک ہدایات پر عمل کرنے سے دنیا ہی جنت معلوم ہوتی ہے۔
By following the good instructions of nature, the world itself becomes paradise.
قناعت یہ ہے کہ فضول چیزوں سے بچو اور بقدر حاجت پر اکتفا کرو اور کھانے پینے اور رہنے کی چیزوں میں اسراف سے پر ہیز کرو۔Contentment is to avoid wasteful things and to be content with what is necessary and to refrain from extravagance in food and living things.
کسی کے ساتھ برائی مت کرو ورنہ اللہ کریم برائی کرنے والے پر کسی کو بدلہ لینے کے لئے مقرر کر دے گا۔Do not do evil to anyone, otherwise, Allah will appoint someone to take revenge on the evil-doer.
چار شخصوں کے پاس خالی ہاتھ مت جاؤ – (1) فقیر (2) عیال (3)بیمار (4) بادشاهDo not go empty-handed to four persons – (1) Fakir (2) Family (3) Sick (4) King.
تجربہ ہی سب سے بہتر استاد ہے ۔
Experience is the best teacher.
دوست ایک ہزار بھی کم ہوتے ہیں جبکہ دشمن ایک ہی زیادہ ہوتاہے
Friends are less than a thousand while enemies are more than one.
اگر تندرستی چاہتے ہو تو نیک کام کرو نیک بننے کے لئے دانا بنو دانا بننا چاہتے ہو تو دین کا مطالعہ کرو اور اللہ سے محبت کرو ۔If you want health, then do good deeds. To become good, be wise. If you want to be wise, then study religion and love Allah.
بے وقوف کے ساتھ جنت میں بیٹھنے سے عقل مند کے ساتھ قید خانہ میں بیٹھنا بہتر ہے ۔It is better to sit in prison with a wise person than to sit in heaven with a fool.
اپنے متعلق کچھ کہنا بے سود ہے آپ کے جانے کے بعد یہ کام خود بخود ہو جائے گا۔It is useless to say anything about yourself, it will be done automatically after you leave.
سورج کی طرح موت پر بھی ٹکٹکی باندھ کر نہیں دیکھا جا سکتا۔
Like the sun, even death cannot be seen with a tie.
اللہ کریم خوشحالی عطا فرمائے تو اپنی آرزوؤں کو کھلا نہ چھوڑ دو۔
May Allah grant you prosperity, so don’t leave your dreams open.
استاد کے بغیر کسی کام کی تکمیل ممکن نہیں ۔No work can be completed without a teacher.
نصیحت مان کر عقل مندی کا ثبوت دینا چاہیے ۔
One should give proof of wisdom by following the advice.
کوشش کرنا چاہیے کہ آدھی رات کو نوافل پڑھو اور اگر وضو نہ کرسکو تو کلمہ ہی پڑھو۔One should try to recite Nawafil at midnight and if unable to perform ablution then recite the Kalima.
مصائب سے نجات حاصل کرنے کے بعد ہی دوسروں سے اچھا سلوک ہوتا ہے ۔Only after getting relief from suffering, one gets good behavior from others.
زبان کی حفاظت بہترین نیکی ہے ۔
Protection of language is the best virtue.
اخلاقی اور مذہبی اقدار کی پاسداری سے انکار کا نام آزادی نہیں ہے۔
Refusal to adhere to moral and religious values is not the name of freedom.
مہمانداری میں زیادہ خرچ کرنا فضول خرچی نہیں ۔
Spending more on hospitality is not wasteful.
پیٹ بیماریوں کی جڑ اور پر ہیز گاری علاج ہے۔
Stomach is the root of diseases and is the cure.
سچائی کی مشعل بھی دکھائی دے فائدہ اٹھاؤ یہ مت دیکھو کہ مشعل کس کے پاس ہے ۔
Take advantage of the torch of truth, don’t look at who has the torch.
گناہ کا آغاز مکڑی کے جالے کے تار کی مانند نازک مگر انجام جہاز کے رسے کی طرح مضبوط اور ناقابل شکست ہوتا ہے ۔The beginning of sin is as delicate as the thread of a spider’s web, but the end is as strong and invincible as the ropes of a ship.
بهترین مطالعہ انسان کا مطالعہ ہے۔
The best study is the study of man.
وہ دروازے جو غربا کے لئے بند ہو جاتے ہیں آخر کار ڈاکٹروں کے لئے کھلتے ہیں ۔
The doors that close to the poor eventually open to the doctors.
خواہشات پر قابو نہ پانے والا کمزور ترین اور ضبط پر قوت رکھنے والا قوی ترین ہے ۔
The one who does not control his desires is the weakest and the one who has control is the strongest.
انسان کی ترقی و تنزلی کا انحصار بیوی کی محبت پر ہے۔
The progress and decline of a man depends on the love of his wife.
حق کا پرستار کبھی ذلیل و خوار نہیں ہو تا خواہ سارا زمانہ ہی اس کے خلاف کیوں نہ ہو جائے ۔
The worshiper of Truth is never humiliated, even if the whole age turns against him.
اللہ کے آگے سر تسلیم خم کرنے والوں کو مصیبت سے واسطہ نہیں پڑتا۔
Those who submit to Allah are not affected by adversity.
کفایت شعاری غریب کی ٹکسال ہے ۔
Thrift is the coin of the poor.
سچی محبت ایک نایاب چیز ہے مگر سچی دوستی اس سے بھی نایاب۔
True love is a rare thing, but true friendship is even rarer.
Finding Peace and Tranquility in Times of Turbulence
Quotes about Islam in Urdu teach us about faith, strength, and trusting in God’s guidance. They tell us to keep hope alive, even when things get tough. Inspirational Islamic quotes in Urdu show us that challenges can help us grow spiritually, leading to peace within.
“Fear only Allah, supplication is a powerful gift.” – Famous Islamic quotes in urdu remind us to put our faith and trust in God’s plan.
Motivational Islamic Urdu quotes and Islamic spiritual quotes in Urdu help us stay mentally and emotionally strong. They offer comfort and support when we’re going through hard times. These Urdu quotes teach us to live right, valuing honesty, kindness, and understanding.
Urdu-based Islamic quotes light the way to hope and strength, leading us to inner peace and faith. Urdu is a powerful way to bring people together, promoting understanding and spiritual growth.
Embracing Spiritual Enlightenment: Islamic Quotes in Urdu
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s key to take a moment to reflect. Islamic quotes in Urdu light the way to spiritual growth and self-discovery. They bring deep wisdom from Islam, helping believers grow in resilience, compassion, and understanding of the divine.
The inspirational Islamic quotes in Urdu come from the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They offer motivational Islamic quotes in Urdu that many have found inspiring.
“The best of people are those who bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
These quotes show the deep teachings of Islam. They encourage us to live with humility, kindness, and integrity. Islamic wisdom quotes in Urdu guide us through life’s challenges, promoting unity and trust in the divine plan.
As Islamic sayings in Urdu uplift people around the world, ContinueAim.com is a key resource. It offers Islamic teachings in Urdu and content on personal growth, technology, lifestyle, innovation, and creativity. This site helps readers start a journey of spiritual enlightenment.
Exploring these Urdu Islamic quotes with translation, we find comfort, strength, and a new purpose. We honor Imam Hussain and others who gave their lives for justice and rightness. Muharram quotes in Urdu are more than just words. They are a powerful reminder of faith’s strength and the human spirit’s resilience.
Islamic quotes in Urdu are full of wisdom, beauty, and inspiration for believers worldwide. They offer deep guidance on living life with purpose, peace, and spiritual joy. From the Quran’s verses to the Prophet Muhammad’s sayings, these quotes light the way to a life of rightness, kindness, and togetherness.
By taking in these quotes, readers start a journey of change. They grow closer to their faith, build good character, and understand different communities better. These quotes have touched the lives of millions, proving the lasting beauty and importance of Islamic teachings today.
As we end our look at Islamic quotes in Urdu, let’s think about their deep truth. They give us a plan for a life full of aim, calm, and spiritual joy. May these words inspire us to live more devotedly, kindly, and together. Let them deepen our bond with the divine and our effort to make the world better.